Saturday, August 11, 2007

Borrowing a theme from several other bloggers, this post is about the keywords that have brought people to my blog through Google, and how I can or cannot help them with their queries:

One visitor was looking to find out how they could tell if their tamagotchi is overweight. I imagine Google sent them here because of this post, where I talk about how my tamagotchi is better at getting pregnant than I am, and this post, where I talk about my doctor saying commenting that I'm 'not overweight to begin with' (ha ha ha!). While my blog couldn't answer their question at the time, just in case any more searchers show up looking for the same info, if your tamagotchi is over 60lbs, it is overweight. Ideally, you should keep it under 30 unless it is an adult. Being overweight can prevent your tama from growing into a desirable character, and also from getting a job. You can find the weight by pushing the A button until the (health) meter is selected, and then pushing B until the weight is displayed.

Two people were asking the question "what if prometrium doesn't work?". First of all, I'm sorry. I've been there, and it sucks the first time it happens and you don't know why! Second of all, my doctor told me that for some reason, sometimes progesterone treatment resets hormones to the CD1 levels, and then you have to wait through a full cycle anyway. He also said that some people are more prone to this anomaly than others, so I'll probably never take Prometrium again just in case.

Three people searched "two pink lines". In case they were looking for the song l.yrics, here is a good link: Two Pink Lines - Eric Church NOTE: If you are currently going through infertility, I do NOT recommend you read those lyrics, because the people in the song are hoping that they *don't* see two pink lines. The ten people who searched 'waiting on two pink lines', I'd like to think they were actually looking for me for some reason, but they were probably going after the lyrics as well. There were many other variations on the 'two pink lines' theme, most of which relate to particular brands of pregnancy tests, and I've got absolutely zero experience with actually seeing two pink lines (when I got my BFPs with my m/c and with M, I used blue dye tests), so I'm no help there.

Two people were searching 'ovulation CD11'. I'm sorry, but I've got absolutely nothing here for you! My earliest O in the last year was CD33. Hopefully someday soon I'll have at least a close idea of what O that early feels like!

One person was searching 'PCOS doctors Vancouver Island'. I'm not going to give out my doctors name here, because that would really narrow down my location, but if anyone wants to talk about this off-blog, e-mail me at, and we can at least narrow down if we're in the same area.

One person was searching 'foods with metformin'. I've really been meaning to do a post about my experiences with Metformin, and what foods are good and which are really really really bad. So keep your eyes open, I'm going to try to get that up in the next week.

To the person who 'took Advil before I knew I was pregnant': Try not to worry about it. Ibuprofen is strongly contraindicated in the third trimester, and somewhat so while trying to conceive, but use in early pregnancy seems to be generally considered safe.

And now... I'm going to bed, because seriously? What the hell am I doing blogging at 3:40 in the morning when I've got the new king size bed all to myself because the dear hubby is out of town???


  1. How do you even find the keywords through Google? Mighty impressive, and a mighty humorous list. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I use Google Analytics. It gives you basic traffic information, keywords, etc.
