Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Oh, and in completely unrelated news!

I'm attending a conference in Montreal in May, and I am so freakin' excited. My hotel was booked for me yesterday, and my flights are getting booked today.

I have *never* been that far away from home, so I'm both excited and completely terrified. The longest flight I've even taken was about an hour long, and to Montreal (almost all the way across the country from me!) is just under 5.

Now I just have to decide if I'm going to take my BBT with me on the trip, or take 4 days off from temping...


  1. I'd ditch it and enjoy your trip!

  2. oh i love montreal!!!! k and i honeymooned there. oh, old montreal is amazing. and there are very fun jazz clubs.

    i hope it won't be too cold.

    have a GREAT trip and screw temping!

  3. Have a terrific time, enjoy, relax and forget about everything else for awhile. You deserve it.
